The Rotary Club of Westlake Bay Village held its weekly Wednesday meeting on September 11, 2024. The meeting was a hybrid with 25 participants meeting via zoom and in person. President Mangels called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m., began with a prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the Rotary Four-Way Test. Andrew welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced our guests, District Governor Dale Smith, our host student Tubtim, and her host father, Jim Smilie. Also present via zoom was longtime friend and Rotarian, Kathy Berkshire.
Andrew asked for a moment of silence in remembrance of all who gave their lives, and for all the first responders, on the anniversary of 9-11. He then mentioned that the library has a piece of the actual steel from the twin towers on display in the library.
Club news:
- Gary reported that we are up to 98 golfers for our golf outing and clam bake. We are still in need of more hole sponsors.
- Our annual Rose Sale will be held on October 18 th . Once again, roses are only $20 per dozen. Please start lining up your orders.
- Lisa and several other Rotarians are planning to walk in NAMI walk on the 14th. Thanks to all who supported her in this worthwhile endeavor.
Our speaker today was District Governor Dale Smith. Dale has been a Rotarian since 2003, has belonged to several clubs, beginning with the Cambridge Club, and is currently a member of the Mentor club. The Rotary theme this year is The Magic of Rotary. We continue to work on the eradication of Polio, Youth exchange, and service projects around the world. His goal this year is to retain the current membership while continuing to attract new members. 70% of the Rotarians who leave have less than 5 years tenure. We need to engage new members and have a leadership development process in place if we wish to attain this. There will be a membership summit on October 19 th to be held in Mentor. Dale also reported that all of the districts in Ohio are joining together to form a 501-C3 to raise funds for the Ohio VOAD (Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster) program. VOAD is there to provide assistance to local families in times of crisis and national emergencies.
There will be Pints for Pours September 18 th at Schmidt’s Brewery in Strongsville, and on September 26 th at Forest City Brewery in Ohio City.
Dale then presented Terri Speck and Joe Kraft with their new Paul Harris pins. Both have been very generous with Rotary and supporting the Foundation.
We had time for our happy thoughts and the meeting adjourned at 8:25
Meeting Highlights 9-11-2024
Pat Graham
2024-09-15 04:00:00Z |
The Rotary Club of Westlake Bay Village held its weekly Wednesday meeting on September 4, 2024. The meeting was a hybrid with 18 participants meeting via zoom and in person. President Mangels called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. and began with a prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the Rotary Four-Way Test. Andrew welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced our speaker, Jessica Walters.
Club news:
- Gary reported that we are up to 30 foursomes for our golf outing and clam bake. We are still in need of more hole sponsors.
- Our annual Rose Sale will be held on October 18 th . Once again, roses are only $20 per dozen. Please start lining up your orders.
- Please make every effort to attend this week’s meeting. Our speaker will be District Governor Dale Smith.
Our speaker today was Jessica Walters, President and CEO of Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Greater Cleveland. BBBS makes positive mentorship the alternative to sending kids to the juvenile justice system.Nationally, over 10 million at-risk youth lack mentorship. Factors contributing to this are overcrowded classrooms, limited networks, struggling parents. BBBS creates relationships for people who need them most.
Consider being a Big for a day, September 28 th at Shaker library or joining them at their golf outing October 7 th at TopGolf.
We had time for our happy thoughts and the meeting adjourned at 8:32
Meeting Highlights 9-4-2024
Pat Graham
2024-09-10 04:00:00Z |
The August Board meeting of the Westlake-Bay Village Rotary Club was held on August 28, 2024. The meeting was called to order by President Andrew Mangels at 7:30, and began with the invocation, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the Four Way Test. In Attendance: President Andrew Mangels, Terri Speck, Pat Graham, Jim Strunk, Joe Hudak, Joe Kraft, Amy Kubacki, and Jeff Appel. A quorum was present. Also in attendance were Steve Pettyjohn, Lisa Hebert, Tim Smith, Justin Hein, Marybeth Whelan, Katie Yeager, Ray Glinka, Gary DiLillo, and Kevin Krantz.
Donations: Amy moved, and Terri seconded that we donate $500 to the Employment Collaborative of Cuyahoga County. Motion carried. Pat moved and Amy seconded that we approve $250 for Terri’s Zone project for the homeless. Motion carried.
Andrew adjourned the board meeting at 7:57 when we began the regular meeting.
Club New: - Gary reported that we are up to 100 golfers for this year’s outing.
- Joe K. reported that the Art Festival raised approximately $18,000 this year. The next committee meeting will be September 24th at 6:00 pm, location TBD.
- Please consider supporting Jeff Appel at the Alzheimer’s Walk on September 7th and our Rotary-organized NAMI Walk on September 14th. You can support them by signing up to walk
- and/or donating.
- Stay tuned for information on our upcoming service projects, Clean the Lake, the Epiphany Project, and van washing for Youth Challenge.
Terri’s Time:
- October 19 th is Rotary membership day. It’s also the Cleveland Alzheimer's Walk.
- The District Gala will held on November 21st.
- Don’t forget to complete your Youth Protection training. To date, only 9 of us have completed it. The link to the training is
We had time for our happy thoughts, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:28
Board Meeting Highlights 8-24-2024
Pat Graham
2024-09-02 04:00:00Z |
The Rotary Club of Westlake Bay Village held its weekly Wednesday meeting on August 21, 2024. The meeting was a hybrid with 22 participants meeting via zoom and in person. President Mangels called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. and began with a prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the Rotary Four-Way Test. Andrew welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced our guests, George Hwang, President of the Lakewood-Rocky River noon club, Gary Taylor, and our speakers, Bob Paponetti and Laurie Atkins-Holliday from the Literary Cooperative. Club news: Pints and Pours for Polio will return August 22nd at Sibling Revelry. This is a District event and is a great opportunity to enjoy a cold beer with fellow Rotarians. The Art Festival committee met last week. They will be redoing the sponsorship packages for next year’s event in order to gain more sponsors. Rotary will be sponsoring a service project to help clean Lake Erie. Anyone interested and available can meet at Huntington Beach on September 18th. More information to follow. Our speakers today were Bob Paponetti and Laurie Atkins-Holliday from the Literacy Cooperative. Bob recently spoke to us about childhood literacy, but today came to talk about adult literacy. Child literacy problems are a direct result of adult literacy problems in the home. 54% of adults in Cuyahoga County suffer from some degree of illiteracy. 64% suffer from numeracy deficiencies. The US ranks 16th in literacy and 30th in technology among the world’s countries, so it really is a problem. To learn more, visit their website at We had time for our happy thoughts and the meeting adjourned at 8:28
Meeting Highlights 8-21-2024
Pat Graham
2024-08-27 04:00:00Z |
Rotary Meeting Highlights - August 14, 2024 The Westlake Bay Village Rotary Club held its weekly Wednesday meeting on August 14, 2024. The meeting was a hybrid, with 27 participants meeting via zoom and in person. President Mangels called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. and began with prayer,, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the Rotary Four-Way Test. Andrew welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced all of our guests.
Club news:
Our exchange students were all present at the meeting. Terri introduced each of them, gave them an opportunity to speak briefly and we had a group picture of all of them. Asmit Mehta was present with his mother, Radhika. Asmit will be going to Taiwan. Luke Smilie will be going to Thailand. His mother, Jennifer, was with him, as was Tubtim Korrawin Wintachai, our inbound student from Thailand, who will be staying with the Smilies. Kamden Stollsteimer will be going to Hungary and was accompanied by his mother, Kristie. We also heard from Audrey Kirkland, who just returned from Sardinia, Italy. All of this coordinated nicely with International Youth Day, which is August 12th. August is also Rotary membership month. We ask all Rotarians to try and recruit one new member for our club.
Pints and Pours for Polio will return on August 22nd at Sibling Revelry in Westlake. This is a district event and a great opportunity to enjoy a cold beer with fellow Rotarians. Andrew introduced our speaker, Jared Daly, from the Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities. Their mission is to support and empower people with developmental disabilities to live, learn, work, and play in the community. Each county in Ohio has a Board of DD. Last year, Cuyahoga served over 12,000 individuals. Cleveland is the #1 city in the country for people with disabilities. The Board helps them integrate into society in general. They also provide programs for businesses to assist in hiring people with disabilities. To learn more, visit their website at We had time for our happy thoughts, and the meeting adjourned at 8:31
Meeting Highlights 8-14-2024
Pat Graham
2024-08-21 04:00:00Z |
The Rotary Club of Westlake Bay Village held its weekly Wednesday meeting on August 7, 2024. The meeting was a hybrid with 13 participants meeting via zoom and in person. President Mangels called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m., began with a prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the Rotary Four-Way Test. Andrew welcomed everyone to the meeting and announced that we would be having a club assembly.
Club news: Andrew spoke briefly regarding his goals for the year which includes increasing membership and holding more service projects. He will cover more at a future meeting.
Several members will be attending the Guardian’s game with Rotary on August 8 th.
There are several walks being held that some of our members are involved in. The Lorain County Walk for Alzheimer's will be September 7th; the NAMI walk will be held September 14th, and Cuyahoga County Alzheimer’s Walk will be held at the zoo on October 19 th. The first meeting of the 2025 Art Festival will be held Wednesday, August 14 th , at 6 pm at the library. Please attend if you are available to be involved in planning next year’s event. The main topics will be the festival layout and revamping the sponsorship packages. Joe K. moved and Gary seconded that the booth charge for the 2025 festival be increased by $5. Motion carried.
Gary talked about the golf outing. Plans are well underway, but we still need sponsors. If you have any leads, let Gary know and he will follow up.
Rotary is looking for clubs to begin using Clubrunner for more club functions, including sign-ups and payments. We will have some Clubrunner training at a future meeting.
Terry’s Time: Terry and Joe are planning to be at the airport on Saturday to welcome our inbound exchange student, Tubtim Korrawin Wintachai, who will be arriving from Thailand. We are sponsoring three outbound students this year, Asmit Mehta who is going to Taiwan, Luke Smilie who will be going to Thailand, and Kamden Stollsteimer who will going to Hungary.
Our Rotary District is bringing back Pints and Pours for Polio. The first outing will be August 26 th at Sibling Revelry.
We had time for our happy thoughts and the meeting adjourned at 8:33
Meeting Highlights 8-7-2024
Pat Graham
2024-08-13 04:00:00Z |
The Rotary Club of Westlake Bay Village held its weekly Wednesday meeting on July 31, 2024. The meeting was a hybrid, with 22 participants meeting via Zoom and in person. President Mangels called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. and began with a prayer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the Rotary Four-Way Test. Andrew welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced our guest, Mike Yeager. Mike is Katie Yeager’s father and a lifelong Rotarian.
Club news: Today’s meeting served as a recap of the Art Festival. Thanks to co-chairs Joe Kraft and Andrew Mangels, without whose leadership, the festival would not have taken place. Also, a big thank you to all the members who volunteered their time, talents, and treasures to make this year’s event a huge success. We had 70 artists participate this year. The raffle raised $1,180. We had $15,100 in sponsorship money. We discussed what went right and what we might do better next year. We will schedule a meeting soon to start planning for the 2025 Art Fest.
We had time for our happy thoughts, and the meeting adjourned at 8:33
Meeting Highlights 7-31-2024
Pat Graham
2024-08-12 04:00:00Z |
The July Board meeting of the Westlake-Bay Village Rotary Club was held on July 23, 2024. The meeting was called to order by President Andrew Mangels at 7:30, and began with the invocation, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the Four Way Test. In Attendance: President Andrew Mangels, Terri Speck, Pat Graham, Jim Strunk, Joe Hudak, Joe Kraft, John Hanna, Patty Zinn, Amy Kubacki, and Jeff Appel. A quorum was present. Also in attendance were Steve Pettyjohn, Lisa Hebert, Tim Smith, Scott Goggin, Justin Hein, Marybeth Whelan, Alexis Young, Bob Maver, Rachel Maver, Katie Yeager, Ed Trela, Gary DiLillo, and Kevin Krantz.
Donations: Joe K moved, and Bob seconded that we donate $500 to the West Shore Rotary Club for their mosquito nets for Zambia project. Motion carried
Club News: Terri reported that our inbound exchange student, Tubtim, will be arriving from Thailand on August 10th. Terri, Amy, and Lisa delivered diapers and supplies for the Providence House Stuff the Truck campaign and represented our club on WTAM.
Justin is looking for speaker suggestions. Let him know of potential speakers, and he will follow up.
The rest of the meeting was devoted to the Art Festival. Plans are completed, the weather looks to be fantastic, and we are ready to go. Joe went over last-minute details and job assignments. Volunteers will meet on Friday at 8:30 to set up the grounds, and everyone will report on Saturday at 7:00 am for the event.
Amy will appear on Fox 8 Friday for their feature on our festival and our featured artist.
We did not have time for our happy thoughts, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:30am.
Board Meeting Highlights 7-24-2024
Pat Graham
2024-07-30 04:00:00Z |
We couldn't ask for a better day to drop off much-needed items for Providence House Crisis Nursery as part of their Stuff the Truck event at Progressive Field in Cleveland, Ohio. During this month of Rotary International's Maternal & Child Health Month, we are honored to be part of helping our community care for mothers and children.
Providence House Stuff the Truck Event
Lisa Hebert
2024-07-19 04:00:00Z |
Rotary Meeting Highlights July 17, 2024 The Rotary Club of Westlake Bay Village held its weekly Wednesday meeting on July 17, 2024. The meeting was a hybrid with 24 participants meeting via zoom and in person. President-elect Kubacki called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m., began with a reflection followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the Rotary Four-Way Test. Amy welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced our speaker, Austin Stull. Club news: The next Art Fest committee displayed a banner showing our featured artist, Will Wilson. Terri reported that we will all be receiving an email with links to the youth protection training that we all must take. Please watch your email. A reminder: Dues invoices have been sent. Checks should be made out to the club, not Corley, and given to Jim or Pat. As this it the beginning of the new Rotary year, Andrew reminded everyone of our goal to once again have every member participate by making a donation to the Rotary Foundation sometime during this year. Terri reported that our district won the award for having the most Paul Harris Society members in the zone. District Governor Dale Smith will be speaking to our club on August 21st. Please put it on your calendar and make every effort to attend this meeting. It is important we make a good showing for the DG. Our speaker today was Austin Stull, Walk Manager for the Alzheimer's Association. The walks take place nationally and are their largest source of funds. There are 600 walks nationwide with over 55,000 teams, and 350,000 walkers participating. The Lorain County 2023 walk had 55 teams and 350 walkers, and raised $93,317. The goal for the 2024 wak, which will be held on September 7th, is 69 teams, and $105,000 in revenue. Our own Jeff Appel is the Chairman of the 2024 walk. Congratulations to Jeff for his continued involvement in the Alzheimer’s Association. The vision of the Alzheimer’s Association is a world without Alzheimer’s and other dementia illnesses. Rotary is heavily involved with the Alzheimer’s Society through the Alzheimer’s/dementia Rotary Action Group. For more information, visit We had time for our happy thoughts (it was noted that Steve had nothing to say) and the meeting adjourned at 8:24
Meeting Highlights 7-17-2024
Pat Graham
2024-07-17 04:00:00Z |
Meeting highlights 07-10-2024
Pat Graham
2024-07-10 04:00:00Z |
"I have hosted foreign exchange students several times and loved it each time! The students have all been fantastic people and it is fascinating to learn about their culture. Hosting helps everyone in the family learn about the similarities and differences between our country and other countries. You truly gain an honorary member of the family and it is wonderful to have your own personal tour guide when you visit your student in their home country. Also, it is very fun to be a tour guide and show your student all the wonderful things about your community and country." - Bay Village High School Student Host Family Testimonial
Would you like to change a student's life and possibly your own? Consider opening your home as a host family.
Lisa Hebert
2024-07-08 04:00:00Z |
Meeting Highlights 7-3-2024
Pat Graham
2024-07-08 04:00:00Z |
Meeting Highlights June 2024 Board Meeting
Pat Graham
2024-06-26 04:00:00Z |
Meeting Highlights 6-19-2024
Pat Graham
2024-06-23 04:00:00Z |
WBV Rotary Highlights - 6-12-24
Bob Maver
2024-06-18 04:00:00Z |
Meeting Highlights 5-29-24
Bob Maver
2024-06-04 04:00:00Z |
Meeting Highlights 5 15 24
Bob Maver
2024-05-28 04:00:00Z |
Board Meeting Highlights 4-24-24
Bob Maver
2024-05-21 04:00:00Z |
Meeting Highlights 5-8-24
Bob Maver
2024-05-14 04:00:00Z |
Meeting Highlights 5-1-24
2024-05-07 04:00:00Z |
Meeting Highlights 4-17-24
Bob Maver
2024-04-29 04:00:00Z |
WBV March 2024 Board Minutes
Bob Maver
2024-04-22 04:00:00Z |
WBV Rotary Highlights 4-10-24
Bob Maver
2024-04-16 04:00:00Z |
WBV Rotary Highlights 4-3-24
Bob Maver
2024-04-09 04:00:00Z |