The Rotary Club of Westlake Bay Village held its weekly Wednesday meeting on October 9, 2024. The meeting was a hybrid with 20 participants meeting via zoom and in person. President Mangels called the meeting to order at 7:33 a.m., began with a prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the Rotary Four-Way Test.

Andrew welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced our speaker, Pat Makak.

NOTE: Next week our meeting will be held at the Lake Erie Science and Nature Center, 28728 Wolf Rd. in Bay Village
Club news:
  • Gary reported that all the work is completed for the golf outing, and all that is left is to have fun. The weather should be great.
  • Our annual Rose Sale will be held on October 18th. Once again, roses are only $20 per dozen. I still have not heard from the majority of our members as to how many dozen they will purchase.
  • October has 5 Wednesdays. We will be collecting diapers for Providence House once again. They can be dropped off at the library or at Tim Smith’s office. 28045 Ranney Pkwy. In Westlake.
  • There will be a Rotary membership summit to be held at Mentor High School, 6465 Center St., on October 19th from 9:30-1:00.
  • October 24th is World Polio Day. Dunkin will be selling purple donuts that day in partnership with Rotary. Order yours now for pickup on the 24th. There will be a table set up at the library from 9-11 to hand out donuts and to promote our club. Look for the email to sign up if you would like to manage the table.
  • Our grant service project for the Literacy Project will be held on the 5th Wednesday, 10-30, at Justin’s office, 159 Crocker Park Blvd. #309, at 5:30. His office is in the Gordon Building above Aladdin’s.
  • The Rotary Gala will be held on November 7th at the Center, 4157 Hudson Dr. in Stow. The event will run from 6-9 pm and will feature desserts made by the exchange students. Please consider joining Terri and help out by picking up Tubtim to save Terri a trip to the west side.
Our speaker today was Pat Manak, CEO of NACDA, National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics. NACDA serves as the professional association for those in the field of intercollegiate athletic administration. It provides educational opportunities and serves as a vehicle for networking, exchanging information, and advocacy on behalf of the profession. NACDA has over 24,000 members, representing  300 colleges and universities. Their focus is education and networking. Their major event is the annual convention, held each June, and rotates between Las Vegas and Orlando. The convention draws over 7,000 attendees and features 620 different programs. NACDA is headquartered at 24651 Detroit Rd. in Westlake, Ohio. To learn more, visit their website at
We had time for our happy thoughts, and the meeting adjourned at 8:33.