For those unable to attend today’s meeting, we had a lot of good information disbursed. There was a total of 19 people on the Zoom.
President Goggin started the meeting with a prayer by our Chaplain, the Pledge and the Rotary Four-Way Test. He then introduced our guest speaker, Stephen Gabor.
Scott updated the membership on actions taken at last week’s Board meeting, including a $200 donation to Bay Kiwanis to help with the student award program, and the purchasing of $500 in gift cards for the Hospice of the Western Reserve. He also announced that Bob Maver has been appointed as our new Treasurer, replacing Doug Newcomb after decades of service to our club.
Joe K. gave an update on plans for the Art Festival. The committee has started vetting artists and 14 have already been approved. Eileen Dorsey, formerly of Westlake, has been named the feature artist for the festival. She was recognized as the area’s feature artist in 2018 and 2019.
Terri continues to work on the Four Way Speech contest. We have 4 students from Bay committed and are waiting to hear from Westlake the Christian Academy.
Kevin K. reported that he has started to get replies from other clubs regarding shoe box participation. So far, no negative responses.
Terri suggested anyone from our club with ideas for a district grant should contact her. Applications are due in May.
Our speaker today was Stephen Gabor. Stephen is the membership director for Ohio Citizen Action. Their mission is as follows: Ohio Citizen Action organizes and mobilizes people to advocate for public interests. In person, by phone, and online, we engage people in actions that protect public health, improve environmental quality, and benefit consumers. Our campaigns connect Ohioans and build a movement to protect democracy and create a sustainable future. They are both a 501C-4 and a 501C-3. Their focus is on renewable energy and other factors that protect the environment. To learn more, visit their website,
After the speaker left the meeting, members voiced other opinions on the subject. Scott stated that the club is always open to hearing from all groups and welcomes hearing all sides of various issues.
As there was not enough time for all of us to share our happy thoughts, the meeting was adjourned at 8:28