Rotary Meeting Highlights 3-17-21
For those unable to attend today’s meeting, we had a lot of good information disbursed. There was a total of 19 people on the Zoom.
President Goggin started the meeting with a prayer by our Chaplain, the Pledge and the Rotary Four-Way Test. He then introduced our guest speaker, Justice Pat DeWine.
Joe K. gave an update on plans for the Art Festival. Look for the article in today’s issue of The Observer promoting the Festival and highlighting our featured artist, Eileen Dorsey. If you know of an artist considering participating, please give them a nudge to get their applications in.
Terri gave a report on the Four Way Speech contest that will be held next Wednesday at 5:00 pm. We have 4 students from Bay, 2 from Westlake, and one from the Christian Academy committed to participate. All Rotarians are invited to attend, and a link will be sent out Monday with access to the zoom meeting.
Kevin K. reported that he has started to get replies from other clubs regarding shoe box participation. Our club has committed to 20 boxes.
Jim Strunk reported that his committee will be selecting the winner of the Bay Village scholarship today.
Ray Glinka has purchased the gift cards for the Ames House and will present them soon.
Our speaker today was Justice Pat DeWine, a judge on the Ohio Supreme Court. Judge DeWine gave a very interesting talk on the workings of the Court, how a case gets to the Court, how it is decided, and how the decisions are written. He went through the details of a particular case they recently heard and explained the process from filing to the verdict. Unlike federal Supreme Court Justices who are appointed for life, Ohio elects our judges who serve for a six-year term. Justice DeWine can be contacted at or followed on Twitter, @patdewine, or Facebook, Pat DeWine.
Our meeting was adjourned at 8:28