Rotary Club of Westlake-Bay Village
The Rotary Club of Westlake-Bay Village held its monthly Board meeting December 30th via Zoom conference call. The meeting was called to order by President Scott Goggin at 7:36 AM
In virtual attendance:
President Scott Goggin, Pat Graham, Andrew Mangels, Terri Speck, Joe Hudak, Ray Glinka, Michael O’Donnell, Doug Lawton, and Jim Strunk. Also, in attendance were Holly Schafer, Tim Opsitnick, Kevin Krantz and Bob Maver. A quorum was present.
Scott opened the meeting and welcomed everyone and thanked them for their attendance.
Secretary’s Report: Terri moved and Michael second to approve the minutes of the November meeting. Motion carries.
Let the minutes reflect that at our December 9th meeting, Pat moved and Joe H. second to approve slate of officers for Rotary year 2021-2022 as follows:
President: Ray Glinka
Treasurer: Doug Newcomb
Asst. Treas.: Dick Berila
Secretary: Pat Graham
Motioned carried.
At our December 16th meeting, Jim moved and Terri second that we amend the Corley budget to accept a $2500 donation from Joe Kraft. Motion carried. Jim moved and Michael second that we make a $2500 donation to the Westlake Education Foundation. Motion carried
Treasurer’s Report: Scott provided the October and November Treasurer’s reports. The balance in the club account on 10-31 was $1473.22 and on 11-30 was $1723.22. Joe moved and Jim second to accept the October report and Pat moved and Terri second to accept the November report. Both motions carried.
Scott discussed the upcoming Art Festival. There was conversation as to how much meeting time should be devoted to discussing the festival. Our 1-20 meeting is being devoted to an update from committee chairs and discussions of what still needs to be done. We will then have reports at each Board meeting, and Scott will provide additional time as needed.
Andrew and Kevin reported briefly on the Shoebox project. It will take place again in 2021 and Kevin will begin reaching out to clubs for their commitments in January.
New Business:
Andrew moved and Joe second that we approve Terri Speck as our President-Elect, to serve as President in Rotary year 2022-2023. Motion carried. Everyone was very appreciative of Terri’s willingness to serve and we look forward to another year with tremendous leadership.
Being no further business, Terri moved and Joe second to adjourn at 8:00.