The Rotary Club of Westlake-Bay Village held its monthly Board meeting via conference call. The meeting was called to order by President Scott Goggin at 7:32 AM
In virtual attendance:
President Scott Goggin, Pat Graham, Andrew Mangels, Terri Speck, Joe Hudak, Jeff Appel, Michael O’Donnell, Doug Lawton and Joe Kraft. Also, in attendance were Ramsey Inman, Emiljano Citaku and Kevin Walker. A quorum was present.
Scott opened the meeting and welcomed everyone and thanked them for their attendance.
Secretary’s Report:  Joe Hudak moved and Terri Speck second to approve the minutes of the October meeting. Motion carries.
Let the minutes reflect that at our November 11, 2020 meeting, Terri moved and Jim second that the club adopt the restated By-laws of our Club. The motion was approved, and the updated By-laws have been posted to our website.
Treasurer’s Report: There was no Treasurer’s report
The Donation Committee made a recommendation to the Board as to how the unallocated member request donations be distributed. Pat moved and Joe H. second that we donate $200 to The Carolyn L Farrell Foundation in Westlake, and the balance, around $450, to The Leprechaun Foundation. Motion carries.
Planning continues for the Rotary Four Way Speech contest. Terri will coordinate with Scott for Westlake and with Ramsey for Bay Village. Kevin Walker generously agreed to sponsor the event again this year. There will also be participants from Westside Christian Academy.
Joe K. reminded us that the Art Festival is only 9 months away. Each Rotarian should introduce at least one artist to the festival.
Andrew reported on three projects the club is involved in. Shoppers and wrappers have been identified for our Adopt a Family program. The cluster project is well underway in conjunction with Connecting for Kids. Kudos to prospective member Tim Smith who donated 140 boxes with branded labels to be used in the project. The VA project is almost complete. The items were not able to be delivered on Veteran’s Day as planned as the site was closed for the holiday. Donated items will be delivered to Jack Harrig tomorrow.
New Business:
Scott reported that since we have been meeting via Zoom, our attendance is up, and we have attracted numerous new members. Kudos to the club for keeping this momentum going.
There was a long discussion regarding the Corley Foundation and when it should hold meetings. It was decided that since the Foundation was founded by and is part of our club, our By-laws allow for Corley to report at our regular Board meeting rather than hold its own monthly meeting. Going forward, the Treasurer will give a monthly accounting of the Corley activities, and we will hold quarterly meetings of the Corley Foundation. The purpose of these meetings will be to elect officers, approve the budget, and to report on the status of our investment accounts.
There being no more business for the Board, President Goggin adjourned the meeting at 8:17