For those unable to attend today’s meeting, we had a lot of good information disbursed. There was a total of 18 people on the Zoom.
President Goggin started the meeting with a prayer by our Chaplain, the Pledge and the Rotary Four-Way Test. He then introduced our guests, Jim Lechko, District Governor Pat Myers, prospective members Tim Smith and Mark Fondriest.
Andrew announced that we have our Westlake adopt a family for the Christmas season. Anyone interested in shopping this year should contact Andrew and he will provide a list of items needed. Gifts should be turned into the Library not later than December 11th.
Andrew gave an update on Jack Young. Jack is doing better, is out of the hospital and actually out driving around. There were several items donated for the VA project and Andrew will get them to the VA.
Anyone who ordered Rotary shirts, the shirts are in. Pat will make arrangements to meet and distribute them.
Terri announced that we intend to move forward with the Rotary Four-Way Speech contest. There are already several interested participants. The contest is tentatively scheduled for April 10th.
The Cluster project to provide Distant Learning kits to assist Connecting for Kids is underway. The Lakewood Rocky River club will be controlling the grant and reimbursing for items purchased. Contact Andrew if you would like to participate and turn in all receipts to him and we will handle the reimbursements. We are providing 140 kits, 28 per club.
Today was a shining star moment for our club as our own Herb Hoppe was recognized as a Major Donor to the Rotary Foundation, having reached the milestone of donating over $10,000 to the Foundation. District Governor Pat Myers and Jim Lechko both spoke and congratulated Herb on this momentous achievement. Herb then gave his presentation to our club regarding the Foundation and encouraged each member to give a minimum of $40 to the Foundation.
Per our By-laws, our Annual meeting will be held December 2nd. At this meeting, we will elect Directors for the 2021-2022 Rotary year. If you are interested in becoming a Director, contact Andrew or Scott for additional information.
Due to the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, we will hold our monthly Board meeting next week.