The Rotary Club of Westlake-Bay Village held its monthly Board meeting February 24, 2021 via Zoom conference call. The meeting was called to order by President Scott Goggin at 7:34 AM
In virtual attendance:
President Scott Goggin, Pat Graham, Andrew Mangels, Terri Speck, Joe Hudak, Ray Glinka, Mark Grimm, Doug Lawton, Jeff Appel, and Jim Strunk. Also, in attendance were Holly Schafer, Tim Opsitnick, Steve Pettyjohn, Bob Maver, Herb Hoppe, Joe Kraft, Gary DiLillo, Lucy Bilik-Hill, and Tim Smith. A quorum was present.
Scott opened the meeting with a prayer, the pledge and the Four Way Test and welcomed everyone and thanked them for their attendance.
Secretary’s Report: Jim moved and Terri. second to approve the minutes of the January meeting. Motion carries.
Treasurer’s Report: There was no Treasurer’s report presented for January.
Donation Committee: Terri moved and Jim second to increase the budgeted donation to Bay Kiwanis to $200. This donation helps defray the cost of the awards ceremony for the Bay High School students. Motion carries.
Let the minutes show that the Board approved purchasing $500 in gift cards for the Hospice of the Western Reserve with budgeted funds allocated for the normal meal program. Since there are no meals being served due to Covid, we decided we want to continue to support the organization and their residents.
Program Committee: Joe announced that he is currently scheduling speakers into June and that May 19th is our only open date.
New Business:
Scott reminded the Club that with the resignation of Doug Newcomb as Treasurer, we needed to appoint a new Treasurer to complete Doug’s term. Scott moved and Pat second to appoint Bob Maver to the position of Treasurer. Motion carries.
The Board is going to name authorized Signatories for our various accounts. They will consist of the current President, the current Treasurer, Dick Berila, Jim Strunk, and Joe Kraft. Jim and Bob will work with the various organizations to make the changes.
Mark suggested we require two signatures on checks. It was decided that we would require two signatures on any expenditure more than $1000.
Jim is going to review the books and them turn them over to Bob to assume his duties.
Jim moved and Scott second to change the Club’s Statutory Agent with the State of Ohio from Doug Newcomb to Pat Graham. Motion carries.
There being no further business, Terri moved and Joe second to adjourn at 8:15.